Don’t let the “RIGHT” result prevent you from doing it the RIGHT way.

Oftentimes we hear that the ends justify the means. However, in the legal world it does not…or should not.

Cutting corners and taking shortcuts should not be the roadmap to success. The law can be complex, convoluted and sometimes contrary to good common-sense. However, the laws, rules, processes and procedures are there to protect you, be it as the litigant, the attorney and even the Judge.

When liberties are taken with the rights of other’s – even for the “right” reasons – it impugns the integrity of the Court, the trust in the system and offends Constitutional safeguards we swore to uphold and defend.

If you are a lawyer and/or a judge and you are wondering if this is pointed at you, the answer is yes.

Follow the law. Strictly. Follow the procedure. Honestly. Demand compliance. Demand competency. 99 times out of 100 you can still achieve the same result, but when you take the easy way out it begins the slippery slope into fiefdoms and dictatorships that degrade a society, degrade the people’s confidence in the Court and actually contributes to rigged systems.

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