Tag Archives: divorcing friends

Memo for Friends of Divorcing Couples; You Can Still be Friends

I think it was a Country music song that said in Divorce you not only lose a spouse, but also half of your friends.


Memo to Friends: You can still be friends.  The tendency is to avoid the divorcing parties.  After all you just don’t want to get involved and you could end up being a witness.  While this may be true you have to ask “Are you being a Friend?

Oftentimes the friends choose a side or stay out all together, however divorce does NOT require this.  One of the divorcing parties may seem to “require” this, however.

If you are a close friend of a person going through a divorce or separation they need an outlet to vent to or take their minds off of things.  If you are a party to a divorce or separation requiring your friends to divorce your spouse is usually not the right answer.

Matthew Thompson is a Divorce Lawyer in Mississippi and reminds you of the wise words of WAR, the American funk band, – ” Why can’t we be friends…”

Follow the blog:#BowTieLawyer Visit the website: #Thompson Law Firm  You may also contact Matthew with your family law matter or question at (601) 850-8000 or Matthew@bowtielawyer.ms