Don’t Count on Shortcuts to Success

Ah, success.  Being your own boss, no financial worries, owning three 4-wheel drive vehicles, however you define success the strive for such is a great thing and a motivator in it of itself.  But, don’t count on shortcuts to get you there.

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Common wisdom says it takes 10,00 hours to be an expert on any topic.   That is 5 years worth of 8-hour days (with weekends off).  Often, it seems we are seeking to take the shortcut to success and it’s great if it can be had, but it is not an appropriate plan to count on to get there.  Similarly, in a Family Law case clients are ready for it to be over before it even starts.  Cases must run their course in most circumstances and the process cannot be shortened, absent agreement of all parties and Court approval, which doesn’t happen in highly litigious situations.

Shortcuts, where an opportunity presents itself are to be considered and taken, but counting on shortcuts to get you where you need to be is a bad plan.

Matthew Thompson is a Family Law attorney and cautions you to not count on shortcuts, but take ’em if you get ’em.

Follow the blog: #BowTieLawyer Visit the website: #Thompson Law FirmYou may also contact Matthew with your family law case, question or concern at (601) 850-8000 or

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